Government Recognizes Biodynamics (story
1, 2)
3. Sludge to Fertile Soil: Genetic Engineering
versus Stellar Enhanced (Biodynamics)
by L.A. Rotheraine
This article originally appeared in
"For years we've been saying the older we get,
the less we understand. Rotheraine's explanations for what
we are looking at when we see his giant tomato plant (Selke
BD Cherry Tomato) is an example of this. The explanation may
not be to our liking, but regular agricultural science does
not have any other explanation for why the plant becomes so
large despite the genetic limitations that normally are attributed
to it"
Grant Nichols, Bradford Journal, February,
microcosmic (earthly) life is but a result of heavenly (macrocosmic)
activity. This concept, once known, has been forgotten in
our times. The invention of the microscope and the subsequent
discovery of microorganisms were primary elements in leading
us to a one-sided view of life. This trend of thinking, focusing
on the smallest particle, pervades all the scientific disciplines
of the twentieth-century. It dominates agricultural concepts.
This belief that dead, inorganic chemicals have the same nutritional
content when added to the soil as organic matter stems from
this type of thinking.
Much as a photographer captures an
image on film, we capture plant images from the heavens in
raw organic matter.
The addiction to microcosmic thought
has reached a certain extreme in genetic engineering of tomato
seeds. Lucille Salitan, an expert in farm and food research
states: "The seeds (genetically engineered tomato seeds)
were treated with mercury to ensure a higher percentage germination
and every year some of this mercury leeches into the soil,
and gets incorporated into the plants... The fields were first
fumigated with methyl bromide, a chemical 100 times more destructive
to the ozone layer than CFC. A chemical fertilizer which destroys
millions beneficial microorganisms per square inch was added
to the soil with the seeds, and the boxed tomato was gassed
with ethylene chlorodhydrin (a strong chemical) in order to
turn it red. (From Tomato as an Economic Metaphor,
Mankato State University, MN)
There is an alternative science to
that described above. It is called Biodynamics. We use this
method in our little three-quarter acre mountainside garden
in Bradford, PA the ice box of Pennsylvania - as a part of
our horticultural therapy program. The spectacular size and
quality of the biodynamic vegetables produced over the past
six years has the scientific community and the media watching
very closely. So how do we produce such fine vegetables? How
can anyone do the same thing?
We alter the climate in the garden with
the unorthodox use of the traditional bio-dynamic preparations.
(See chart of BD Preps.)
We use the Pfeiffer Compost Starter as a tonic water. We water
the roots of the plants to fix the nutrients and raise, add
to, and purify the energy for the compost in which our plants
grow. Horn silica is sprayed onto the plants to enhance light
metabolism. This stimulates the photosynthetic formation of
chlorophyll, and thus color, aroma, flavor and shelf life
of the food. In 1993, Hugh Courtney of the Josephine Porter
Institute of Applied Biodynamics, suggested we add the juice
of valerian flowers (BD preparation 507) to our preparation
of horn silica. This we then sprayed onto the plants. He speculated
that this would create an ethereal skin that would contain
the vital energies the biodynamic preparations bring into
our garden. Using this mixture last year, we took 25 ribbons
out of 27 entries (17 blue) at the McKean
County Fair. This year we continued to startle the public
by taking 34 ribbons out of 34 entries 27 first place blue
in major vegetable categories. The Pennsylvania Department
of Agriculture awarded the prize money. They know our science
is special!
The ramification of using new combinations
of biodynamic preparations for the world's food chain and
seed strains is awesome. Fruition is increased beyond normal
capacities of climatic conditions.
Science must relearn what the ancient civilizations
on the planet knew, and our Selke B.D. Cherry Tomato plants
and seeds demonstrate - plants are small models of the stars
and planets. Much as a photographer captures an image on film,
we capture plant images from the heavens in raw organic matter.
Thus, we can say seeds and plants are the energy from the
stars,frozen and molded into earthly substances known to us
as plant life. Our Selke B.D. Cherry Tomato seeds are stellar
enhanced to grow in raw garbage - table scraps built in our
organic hill and thrown on it during the growing season. They
take advantage of this ancient wisdom - are the ancient wisdom
in practice.
Since plants attempt to replicate their heavenly
image, changing the nature of the seed results in an impediment
to such a heavenly replication.
"..If you have apricots or plums with
a fine taste, this taste, just like the color of the flowers,
is a cosmic quality which has been carried right into the
fruit. In the yellow apple, you are eating Jupiter, in the
plum you are actually eating Saturn.." "...thus
we see Mars in the red flower, Jupiter in the yellow or white
flower, Saturn in the blue flower, while in the green leaf
the Sun itself (the planets and sun create the colors and
nutrition of the plants)..."
Steiner's student, Ehrenfried Pfeiffer, a
noted biodynamic scientist made those statements in the preface
of the 1977 edition of Agriculture: "The task was to
reunite the plant, viewed as a system of forces under the
influence of cosmic activities, with nature as a whole. Rudolf
Steiner pointed out that many plants which had been 'violated,'
in the sense of having been estranged from their cosmic origin,
were already so far gone in degeneration that at the end of
the century their propagation would be unreliable."
Twentieth century agricultural science is
based on food grown from genetically altered hybrid seeds,
raised on large doses of chemical fertilizer. Since plants
attempt to replicate their heavenly image, changing the nature
of the seed results in an impediment to such a heavenly replication.
Biodynamic science, the biodynamic preparations, and the Pfeiffer
biodynamic Compost Starter enhance the natural energies. Why
is the entire world not using the biodynamic super science
to produce superior plants, seeds and animals? Biodynamics
eliminates the need for chemical fertilizers or pesticides
and produces the healthiest food possible for animal and human
consumption. It cleans up the soil and garden atmosphere,
creating a healthier climate for all who work in a biodynamic
garden or farm. Most universities are unaware of this science.
Their approach to seed creation still bases itself on an addiction
to microscopic thought. Microscopic thought produces unnutritious
foods that lead one to further addictions in the search for
satisfaction. You can help change this by growing one plant!
The Selke B.D. Cherry Tomato plants and seeds
demonstrate what can be done with plants if the biodynamic
principles in Agriculture are studied and put into practice.
They can grow twelve feet high and produce over 2000 delicious
tomatoes per plant, if our organic hill is used along with
planting and transplanting dates.
Credits: Biodynamics March/April 1995.
Bradford Journal September 1994
L A. Rotheraine is the Master Gardener for
the only government funded Biodynamic garden in the USA: Evergreen
Elm, Bradford, PA. The exclusive distributor of Evergreen
Elms' three biodynamic seed strains - the Selke Biodynamics
Cherry Tomato, the Ratatouille, and Pear-Plum is Highlands
Star Seed. For more information: http://www.rotheraine.com/
Copyright © 2001 L. A. Rotheraine
Reprinted by permission of Lilipoh