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by the spiritual pioneer
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Fred Dennehy
What makes something funny? If you have ever been put in the wretched position of having to explain why you were laughing, you know that humor is irreducible. Trying to analyze it violates it. Because it lies at the very source of language, what provokes laughter resists explanation through language.
Rudolf Steiner, perhaps recognizing the pitfalls of definition, took a phenomenological approach to the subject in a lecture delivered in Berlin in 1910, entitled “Laughing and Weeping.” Steiner saw (as did Socrates in the case of comedy and tragedy) an intimate relationship between laughing and weeping.

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Mistletoe Therapy
B Y B E T H W. O R E N S T E I N

The Christmastime tradition of hanging a sprig of mistletoe above the doorway originated in Greek folklore. Now, another use for the plant is becoming popular in the United States — complementary cancer therapy. Almost two years ago, the scientific and clinical review committees of the Kimmel Cancer Center at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., looked at available research on the use of mistletoe as a supportive treatment for cancer patients.

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